International Women’s Day 2024 – Arushi Sharma

This year for International Women’s Day we have spoken with some of our team members on their thoughts and how they plan to #InspireInclusion.

The aim of the IWD 2024 #InspireInclusion campaign theme is to inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, to forge a better world.

When women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. Collectively, we want to forge a more inclusive world for women.

Find out Arushi’s thoughts below!

Why do you think it is important to celebrate International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day is important because it celebrates different aspects of women while also advocating for gender equality. It is essential to recognise achievements for women as they are diverse and multifaceted. To celebrate the feminine energy is important for the planet, if the feminine is lost, nothing of beauty, nothing of tenderness and nothing of truly aesthetic value will survive.

What is your role at PLS Solicitors and how long have you worked here?

I am the General Manager – HR in our India office; this will be my 7th year.

Have you always had the same role? If you have had multiple roles, please explain further.

I have had the same role but different responsibilities, the field of work has been the same.

Do you have any success stories from working at PLS?

Yes, I joined PLS as a HR Executive and feel I have grown alongside the organisation. I have been with PLS since its inception. To be able to build and achieve my every accomplishment at each step makes me feel really proud of myself, it feels great to have come this far.

What is your proudest achievement in your work or home life?

I am extremely proud of my people skills; I have achieved everything on my own and thoroughly enjoy my role. In my home life I feel I have made the right balance, I have achieved personal fulfilment, professional aspirations and family commitments.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

To celebrate, nurture & prioritise and maintain the power of feminine energy.

What is the most important message you want to send out to other women thinking about their careers?

Finances never bring you freedom but only independence. It is important to be free to achieve in your career, women should be celebrated in every sphere and their femineity. Women should not lose the power of their nurturing and softness while pursuing their careers. Make time for yourself while pursuing your career.